Investigation of microstructure and hardness of surface composite AA5086(H116)/ZrO2 and surface hybrid composite AA5086(H116)/ZrO2/Gr fabricated by friction stir processing



      In this research friction stir processing (FSP) was used to produce surface composite layer with zirconia reinforcement particles on aluminum AA5086 alloy. The effect of the combination ratio of ZrO2/Graphite powders on microstructure and hardness of surface hybrid composite layer fabricated by friction stir processing on aluminum alloy was investigated. A H13 work steel tool with taper cylindrical  pin geometry was used to produce hybrid composite layer. The FSP parameters were 1250 RPM in rotational speed and 50 mm/min in traverse speed of tool. Microstructures of produced samples were evaluated by means of optical microscopy and distribution of particles was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. The hardness of surface composite layer was characterized using vickers hardness test. The results revealed that FSP caused to grain refinement and by increasing the passes of process to three passes on fabricating surface composite, distribution of zirconia particles on matrix has improved. The maximum of hardness value was achieved by producing surface hybrid composite (15%ZrO2/15%Gr). X-ray diffraction studies were carried out in order to identify the phases present in the stir zone of the specimens. The results showed that no reaction occurred between the aluminum matrix and the reinforcement particles during three FSP passes.


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