An investigation on the effects of interpass temperature on corrosion behavior of weld metal of Hadfield high carbon steel weld joint

Document Type : Research Paper



In this study, the effects of welding process interpass temperatures on the weld metal corrosion behavior of Hadfield high carbon steel welding joints was investigated. For this purpose, initially 6 austenitized sheets with 2mm thickness prepared from Hadfield steel. Then shielded metal arc welding process with interpass temperature of 700, 850 and 1000°C was used for welding. Then potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy methods were used to evaluate corrosion behavior of welded joints’ weld metal in the 3.5wt. %NaCl solution. Also, the evaluation of the microstructures of weld metal in welded joints were conducted by optical microscopy. X-ray diffraction was used for the analysis of phases formed in the weld metal microstructure and the weld metal corrosion mechanism was determined by scanning electron microscopy examination. Optical microscopy observations and patterns obtained from X-ray diffraction showed that increasing in interpass temperature resulted in increase in carbide precipitates and decrease in austenite grain size in the weld metal microstructures of Hadfield steel welding joints. Corrosion test results showed that by increasing the interpass temperature in the welding process, weld metal of Hadfield steel welding joints showed decreese in corrosion resistance. Also, scanning electron microscopy images from corrosion morphology of weld metals indicated that increasing in interpass temperature in the welding process of Hadfield steel, led to occurrence of micro-galvanic localized corrosion. 


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