Influence of Process Parameters on Hot Backward Extrusion of Al 6061 alloy

Document Type : Research Paper



Backward extrusion is one of the metal forming processes which has been widely used for the production of hollow parts in recent years. In this study, the effect of process parameters such as reduction of area and temperature and friction conditions on the hot backward extrusion process of aluminum 6061 alloy was investigated for both experiment and finite element analysis. For this purpose, the backward extrusion carried out under three different temperatures (390, 420 and 450 °C) and different friction conditions( with or without lubricant) and then their results were compared to finite element software (DEFORM-3D) result. To perform experiments, a full set of backward extrusion die including chamber, punch, extrusion die, holder and ejector parts were designed and built. Grease-resistant was used as a lubricant. In the finite element analysis, the conventional constant friction factor was used for the simulation of hot forming condition (m=0.1, 0.2, 0.3). In conclusion the analysis and paper results are useful to develop a special hot extrusion technology for aluminum 6061 alloy.


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