Investigation of the effect of orthotropic parameters in failure of orthotropic materials under the rolling contact

Document Type : Research Paper


1 mechanical engineering department, science and research branch of Azad university

2 professor, mechanical engineering department, science and research branch university


In this study the effect of orthotropic parameters on failure of the orthotropic materials under the ‎rolling contact problem is investigated. Rolling contact problem between a rigid cylinder and an ‎orthotropic half space for the specific regime of contact zone, a central stick zone accompanied ‎with two slip zones, is considered in plane strain condition regarding the Coulomb law of friction. ‎
Although the problem is analyzed using the previous methods obtained in our last paper, in this ‎paper the main emphasis is on the results and the dependence of the surface and subsurface ‎stresses on the orthotropic parameters and the coefficient of friction. ‎
The interesting results from this study suggest that the‏ ‏stresses can be reduced by controlling of ‎the orthotropic parameters and, as a result, increasing the life of the orthotropic media. Finally, it ‎can be concluded that the replacement of orthotropic and non-homogeneous materials instead of ‎isotropic and homogeneous materials will be caused in many applications to increase the life of ‎the components and reduce the cost of consumables.‎‏ ‏


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