Microstructure Evaluation of Al Nanocomposite Foam Reinforced with SiO2 Nanoparticles Produced using Ultrasonic Technique

Document Type : Research Paper



In this study, aluminum matrix nanocomposite reinforced with silicon dioxide nanoparticles (SiO2) were produced using ultrasonic technique and then using TiH2 foaming agent fabrication of aluminum nanocomposite foams by melt rout process was carried out. Furthermore, microstructural analysis using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope to ensure the production of nanocomposite foam and evaluation the role of nanoparticles on morphology and cell wall thickness. Liquid drainage during foaming process was studied with computer softwares. The results revealed multifaceted structures of cells and appropriate distribution of nanoparticles in cell walls using microscopic evaluations. Also, it was observed that the thickness of cell walls and plateau borders area changes from foam surface.
